Ashes to Ashes, Oranges to Oranges Free Preview Page

ASHESCOVERamazonHi, I’m Eric Henderson, and here’s everything you need to know about my book Ashes to Ashes, Oranges to Oranges.

Ashes to Ashes, Oranges to Oranges is a book of 12 short stories written by me, with 12 beautiful illustrations by Marybeth Chew. The genre is magical realism, which means that the stories start out in everyday reality, then take a sharp left turn into the unexplainable.

Ashes to Ashes, Oranges to Oranges is available as an ebook on Amazon and Smashwords, and also as a paperback on Amazon.

Here are three sample stories from the book – click each link to read the story for free:

CoverKoAIn The King of Antarctica, a frustrated and lonely young woman discovers an online video game about world domination with roots that run deeper than the internet.



ElvisIn Peanut Butter Elvis, a henpecked husband finds the solution to all his problems in the form of a highly experimental new ice cream flavor.




GirlLayersIn The Girl on the Corner, a woman waiting for her boyfriend has an enlightening conversation with a strange old man.



Still not convinced? Check out these mind-bending commercials:

World-reknowned brain specialist Dr. Donald Anderson answers this age-old question definitively.

The King of Antarctica  reports live from another dimension.

Lilyana finally comes clean about her illicit love affair with Ashes to Ashes, Oranges to Oranges.


And finally, if you hop over to Amazon or Smashwords and click by where it says “Look Inside” or “First 20% sample:,” you can read a fourth sample story (the first one in the collection) for free.

01new world



In Make a New World Real, a disgraced choreographer creates a new dance meant to rip through the fabric of space and time. There’s a dinosaur.



Thanks a lot for checking out this preview of Ashes to Ashes, Oranges to Oranges.

Here are those links one more time:

Kindle book or paperback available at Amazon:

Other ebook formats available at Smashwords:


Stay Strange!

Eric Henderson

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